Sunday 29 December 2013

Accidental Break...Ooops..

Wow, December has been a hell of a month. Ofsted + Christmas = STREEEESSSSSSSSSS. I have seriously neglected my workout regime and instead decided to throw all of my energy into work and food. Don't get me wrong, stuffing my face over the last month has been brilliant, I'm not even sorry!

Except...I am a little bit. A visit from Ofsted zapped a lot of motivation and positivity out of me, it was a tricky week but did end in my school being removed from Special Measures, so as you can understand this visit meant a lot, working out wasn't my main concern in December. I am disappointed in myself for falling back into old ways, but like I said my priorities changed.

Anway, all that's in the past. A new year and a new school term is around the corner. I feel refreshed, slightly fatter but injected with more positivity. I'm going to restart my fitness regime the week I go back to work and on the 1st of January I'll be starting a Dryathlon for Cancer Research. No alcohol for January. Not a drop. I've done it before, but this time I'm going to challenge myself and work towards completing a 10k by the end of January. Hopefully I'll manage it, if not I'll stick an extra £20 in the kitty and keep on trying. Talking of which, any donations would be hugely appreciated ;-)

I've also given myself a bit more motivation by spending more money than I could probably afford on a Fitbit Flex. I've been toying with buying one for a while, and while many have dismissed it as a bit of a gimmick, I like the look of it. It's designed to monitor your activity levels, calories and sleep patterns. As I tend to be a restless sleeper, I am interested to see what it tells me. You can also set daily goals and the lights on the wristband tell you how close you are to reaching your target. It's also linked to my Endomondo account which is useful. It's a really nice looking gadget, my Dad has a black one but I opted for the pink. It's the cheapest out of the Nike Fuelband and Jawbone fitness bands, but seems to offer similar functions. I'll give it a try for a few weeks and post a review later, when hopefully I've regained my fitness mojo!

Friday 25 October 2013

Happy Half Term!

Oh my god, what a tough half term!

Still keeping up with the working out, although I'm doing less and less outdoor runs. Partly due to the weather, but mainly due to the fact that I'm a massive wimp and I hate working out in the cold, miserable & wet weather. I know a lot of people love running in the rain, not me, I'm too in love with my Samsung Galaxy S3 and don't want to damage it, how sad eh?

Luckily a gym has opened up at work, which is super convenient. Even though the treadmill isn't quite the same, I'm running better too. I have been doing intervals which helped me do a longer run last week, and now I know how to use the cross-trainer I can still mix things up a little bit. Unfortunately I only went for a run once this week, but somehow I lost 2lbs(???) Additionally, it was my birthday Thursday and I just wanted to get home and enjoy my last few days as a 25 year old. I'm going out in Newcastle this weekend, so unfortunately it will be a full week before I get back into the routine! I didn't enjoy the last time I had a week off because I felt I lost some fitness, so I'm not looking forward to trying to get back into it. Thankfully I have a week off, so I do a few swims in addition to some running.

Anyway, for now, I intend to enjoy my birthday weekend!

Monday 16 September 2013

Keep on Running!

I think technically I've graduated from the C25k plan - yippee! I kinda gave up on it a few weeks ago when I found it a little too frustrating (see other posts). I also still can't manage a 5k, BUT my 3ks are getting better and more comfortable which is making me very happy.

I'm not running as much now, but I'm still squeezing in 3/4 workouts per week. It's actually easier now I'm back at work because at least I don't run the risk of being out of the area, just stupidly busy. I've also joined a gym close to home, only for the month though as I found a really good Groupon deal (£15 for 10 sessions). After that I'll be using the gym at work, so I have no excuse for not going! I'm really looking forward to it actually, it'll hopefully be way more convenient and at £15pm it's the cheapest I've managed to find. I'm also very materialistic and I do enjoy having a TV to watch while sweating it out!

I admit though, I have been getting bored of running. Well, perhaps maybe bored of the hard work? I'm not so sure, but it certainly has been frustrating trying and failing at running those damn 5ks. A real turning point was reducing my runs to 3k, as I've said I'm much more comfortable and it is a nicer feeling actually finishing a run and not stopping to walk. I plan to gradually increase the distance over time. Fingers crossed I'll be doing the GNR next year!

I've been supplementing running with cycling & swimming, which is really enjoyable. I've always loved swimming and I usually do just over 1km every session. The cycling varies, but I always do a 30 minute workout with intervals. My worst habit at the minute is not increasing the difficulty, so that's something I'm going to need to work on. I was pleasantly surprised today though when I experienced very little pain in my legs during the run. I normally struggle with my calves and ankles, but I seem to be aching less. Hopefully that's a combination of the many months of training, and the cycling & swimming.

Overall, still feeling really happy. This has become a habit now, a bit like brushing your teeth. Sometimes I can't be bothered, but I feel I HAVE to workout. I've noticed little changes in my figure and moods too, I'm still a walking zombie half the time, but I'm more 'human' than I was a few months ago! My love handles seem to be reducing and generally I feel much more content with my body. Some toning wouldn't go a-miss but something to work on eventually!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Week 9??!

I've been a bit quiet recently, I haven't died or given up, I'm still plugging away. Happily, I'm nearly managing a full 5k but at a very slow pace. I haven't really graduated from C25k but I am planning on moving on from it, especially as I was using the 'timed' version of the plan. I'm able to run for 30 minutes, but not a 5k because I run very slowly!

I'm running a slow pace deliberately, so I can last longer, but if I'm honest I find it demoralizing. I know I'm still relatively new, but I want to do better than a 45min 5k and quickly! (Yes, I'm not very patient) So, I'm going to start on interval training with the same C25k app, I'm hoping this gives the runs a bit of variety and keeps me interested too. I've also read that the health benefits are greater so surely it's worth a try? The plan is 14 weeks long, so will keep me busy when I'm back at work.

I've also joined a gym, just to mix things up a bit. I love swimming, can't get enough of it, and I'm quite taken with cycling so I'm looking forward to doing some cross-training to help my running. Additionally, from a personal safety point of view, I don't fancy running around in the evenings after work when it's starting to get darker!

Saturday 17 August 2013

C25k - W8D1(ish)

Oh my god, I finally broke through the wall! After all that frustration I managed a 30 minute non-stop run! Yippeeeee! It felt really good too, I can't believe it!! I've been stuck on Week 7 all summer and refused to move on until I could break through 25minutes, hence why I put (ish) in the title, because I did the running of Week 9 but haven't done Week 8 yet. To be honest, I may not bother with the C25k plan now and just focus on getting to a non-stop 5km before doing interval runs to up my pace.

Funnily enough, slowing the pace down was probably the best thing I could have done, I felt relaxed and not under so much pressure to keep it up. The other trick was to bin the C25k app, because I found that I was focussing too hard on the 'halfway' announcement and getting frustrated when it didn't come. Today, I just ran. No time indicators, only distance and before I knew it I'd done 22 minutes without even realising AND I was happy to carry on. I also listened to the radio rather than music, which also focussed my mind really well (thanks TalkSport!!)

I'm very happy now and I can settle in front of the footie this weekend guilt-free! Hurrah!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

C25K - W7D3

Two weeks to go and I'll be a graduate of the C25k plan - yippee! Except, it may take me more than that. Week 4 was a struggle, now week 7 is the new hurdle. All 3 sessions this week are 25 minute runs, the first was a piece of cake - it was lovely day, not too hot and a nice change of scenery running around Newbiggin beach, get in! The 2nd session didn't go so well. I was still using the Zaggora hotpants, and when you couple that with the heat, I just couldn't do it. I think I managed 1 mile at a time. Ouch. Today, I did improve on the last run, which is a good thing, but I still feel frustrated. I can just about do 2 miles non-stop, but I'm still falling short of the full 5k and I don't feel like I'm getting any closer. I have been feeling a little demotivated as well for some reason, hopefully it's just a blip and once I can break through the 2 mile barrier I'm sure I'll be feeling up to it again.

My plan of action is to repeat week 7 so I can do a full 25 minutes without stopping, even if it takes me all summer!

Friday 2 August 2013

Zaggora Challenge & Review

Ok, so I have been wearing my Zaggora Hotpants for the 2 weeks now, and although I've been giving updates I'm going to consolidate all that into a main review.

The Science:
I bought the 'Atomica Hotpants', which were £65, I was a little nervous about spending that much money on jogging bottoms but the reviews from other bloggers really convinced me to splash out. The hotpants use Celu-Lite Technology which according to their website is a "patent pending, multi-layer fabric technology" which heats the body up during exercise to "help you burn more calories", in other words, they make you work harder and they make you sweat. The '2 Week Challenge' is encouraged by Zaggora itself -  basically you wear the hotpants everyday for between 30-60 minutes while being active. I found this pretty easy most of the time. I'm training to complete a 5k by the end of the year with the C25K plan, so 3 days a week I'm sorted. The rest of the time I've made myself either go out for a walk or do the housework (honestly, our house & garden have never been tidier!). I only missed one day through the whole two weeks, and that was only because I was overindulging with cakes & alcohol in Harrogate (whoops!)

The Look:
The 'Atomica' Hotpants have a fold-over waistband which enable you to hide your midriff if necessary, not something I'm bothered about as I don't make a habit of wearing clothes that show off my stomach! However, the waistband itself is something that really attracted me to these, as it looked really stylish, funky and UNIQUE. I love the quirkiness of the waistband, it really makes them standout from the rest, and when they came in the post I spent a worryingly long time admiring them! I also love how I can cover up my stomach, smooth out its outline and STILL be comfortable without feeling 'squished in'! As a fashion statement, they really are great. I know that's not the point as when I go out running I turn into a hideously red-faced beast who sounds  like Darth Vader, so anything that I enjoy wearing can't be a bad thing, right?

Just to support the 'fashion statement' claim, I once actually wore these to band practice as leggings underneath a dress and [in my opinion] they still looked pretty good.

The Feel:
A lot is said about way the hotpants feel, they do resemble a wetsuit but there's certainly nothing strikingly unusual about them, and like I mentioned above, I've worn them as leggings and I swear no one was any the wiser. Many comments I've seen complain about the sound they make on the inner thighs, this is especially prevalent when you're running or walking when they rub together. Now, I don't actually have this problem, I've always had a gap between my legs, however, even when I do rub the material to test out the sound I don't feel it's anything to be self-conscious about in my opinion.

The Workout:
One question I got asked about the hotpants was how much you can tell you're sweating. This was something I wondered as well, especially as sweating isn't a very pleasant experience (for me anyway). To be honest, they were really comfortable, the fit was good and I didn't feel sweaty until I took them off. During the workout I definitely felt like I was working harder. I made the mistake once of not taking any water with me on a particularly hot day, and I lived to regret it. Obviously, if you're going to lose this much water, you need to replace it! That's one big bit of advice I'd give to anyone using these. For gods sake, keep yourself hydrated! On a hot day they do make things harder, and I did have a bad run this morning because of the heat. I'm looking forward to trying my other jogging bottoms to see if they make things easier. It's not a big complaint though, as you feel like you're getting more from the workout and that can only be a good thing when you're trying to build stamina.

As for washing, Zaggora recommend that you wash on a cool temperature or hand wash. I've been washing these 1-2 times a week and rinsing in the shower every other time. So far so good. They dry quickly as well, so no need to worry about having damp jogging bottoms next time you use them.

  • They look great, nice design and very flattering.
  • Good quality material.
  • Excellent fit, waistline can be adjusted depending on how much you want to cover.
  • You work harder during workouts.
  • Easy to look after.
  • Not great for people who don't like excessive sweat, but that's down to personal preference. If I didn't like that, I wouldn't buy them.
  • Expensive. I spent a long time deliberating whether to get some. I gave in to temptation, but I may save any future purchases until my birthday or Christmas.
  • You can get very hot in them. Take water with you on a workout.

Ok, here's the real test - did I lose anything? That's the big selling point, the thing that Zaggora insist the hotpants help with. I grew quite frustrated with many of the reviews I read, because many mentioned how they worked, how they looked and how much they sweat, I don't feel they addressed the true issue - do they actually work?

Waist - 84cm
Hips - 105cm
Thigh - 55cm

Waist - 79cm
Hips - 100cm
Thigh - 53cm

So that's 2 inches from my waist and hips, and 2cm from my thighs. Not bad going for 2 weeks! My weight hasn't changed at all though. I see a lot of reviews where people shed lbs quite quickly, but not for me. Like I've said, I am running though so I'd assume that's down to muscle mass (I have lost 2lbs since I started running). My diet hasn't changed much either, I'm eating better generally but I didn't make a deliberate attempt to change anything during the 2 week challenge.

So, a nice little loss there. Something that will certainly motivate me to keep using them (for £65 I'd be daft not to!), especially if I'd lost a couple of inches in the space of 2 weeks. As I'm still on my summer holidays I'll still have the time to wear them everyday, so who knows how much more I'd lose in the next 4 weeks?

I'd definitely recommend Zaggora for anyone who wants to lose inches, but this would have to be alongside a decent diet and active lifestyle. I didn't lose any weight, but I have seen people who have had more success. If you are willing to pay the money, then go for it. Zaggora do some fantastic, stylish products, and I can't wait to keep using the hotpants over the summer. Now I'm going to start saving for my next purchase :-)